Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Vampire Poop!

I am writing my first true blog so to speak, I will be posting my random brain droppings here from now on, or at least the ones requiring more than a random thought on a Facebook status. Speaking of Facebook, I truly hate it, Google + is much better; but alas I will have to wait on the rest of the world to figure that out. Today I have decided that I am officially hooked on the show Tru-Blood I am 7 episodes in and I cannot imagine how I have went so long without watching this series! Oh wait its because I don't have HBO.  I never thought about Vampires having sex before watching this show... This has made me begin to think about a lot of other things. Most of you that know me well already understand that my brain works differently than most, or maybe not so differently I just seem to let out sometimes what others hold in. For instance this got me thinking "What would Vampire poop look like?" Would it be red? Do Vampires poop at all or is it merely pee? If so, is that red? Usually I hold Vampires very near and dear to my heart probably because it was the first real horror character I got into as a child. I can't stand the thought of sparkling idiots etc. This show pushes the boundaries of what I think of in a Vampire but it seems OK to me because they back things up and it makes total sense. Why wouldn't vampires if they existed make things up like the reflection thing in the mirror so they could hide in the open? I get it and I am hooked. On a side note my Dog has gas tonight and I am about to banish her from the house she wants to lay at my feet and fart and it is horridly stinky.


  1. In searching for an image to use on this I didnt find much on Vampire poop in google images but I did see a lot of Unicorn poop you should google image that its pretty funny!

  2. I wanna know if Vampire semen is black like Devils cum.

  3. AHHA I have no clue dude and honestly for whatever reason that one does not interest me as much my thought it they likely dont have seamen but rather experience a dry orgasim. That is how I would explain it.
