Friday, March 9, 2012

Mass Reproduction?!?!?

I read an article today on CNN that got me to thinking honestly there should probably be a limit to the amount of children a family can have! Lets not get into the religion thing here as I understand some peoples beliefs are different. I must say though every time that Duggar family comes on tv I feel a bit ill. The people in this article had 10 kids! They threw a birthday party at Chuck E Cheese for their 5 year old and forgot and left her there!!!! They didn't realize until the next morning!!!! Really?!?!? Come on, to top this they have the 5 year old in child protective services until they decide what to do, but only the 5 year old, the other 9 children are OK apparently 10 is the limit here lol.  What are your thoughts should people like this even be able to breed?

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