Tuesday, March 27, 2012

The Moral Compass

I am posting today about our Moral compass. I had a phone conversation with a good friend a few minutes ago and this became a topic of our discussion. I mist say it was an interesting one at that. I do not think it matters in this discussion whether you are Republican or Democrat, Christian or not. I think we can all agree that we are not headed in the right direction morally. I will use an example and in no way am I necessarily demeaning this act I just use it to show the difference in where we are today compared to not too many years ago. Does anyone remember the MTV awards show many years ago when Madonna kissed Brittney Spears? If you do remember that do you also remember how big of a deal that was that 2 girls kissing was aired? Funny isn't it? Now that is on the air probably once or more an hour. Look I'm not saying that to start some debate about gay rights etc. I just bring it up to show the difference in how much more accepting we are today of everything as apposed to how we once were. I'd like to go on record here saying that while I don't agree with where we are headed I don't want 1950's era morality either. I am typically as open minded as the next guy. I think maybe when I was about 10 the world was in a pretty good place morally, at least compared to now. So let's all jump in a time machine and go back there, who's with me?

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