Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Mind Control and Donkey Crap!

"The human mind is the most deceitful of all things. It is incurable. No one can understand how deceitful it is.-Jeremiah 17:9

The above bible verse was sent to me by a friend a few weeks ago and I thought it interesting and true enough to post here as a tidbit for everyone to think about. Ever had a moment that something odd or crude popped into your head that you cant believe it popped in there? I know I do sometimes.
For instance I was at my Father-in laws church for a Christmas play and the church walked a live Donkey down the center Isle and onto the stage and they stopped at the end for a minute before the stage. All I could think about was "Man how awesome would it be if that thing took a huge crap right now and stunk the place up so bad people started upchucking!" I got so excited at the thought that I couldn't help myself and I was clearly showing that I was laughing at it by my body language. This was right before the scene of the birth of Jesus and I was almost cackling out loud! People had to think I was crazy.

P.S. I promise not all or even most of my blogs will include poop but tonight I guess I need a little mind control because its been the apparent subject of choice.

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