Saturday, April 14, 2012

God does exist!!!!

      OK let me start of by saying that I believed in God well before my thoughts below and that was never in question. I am writing this partly for humor and partly to get some people thinking if they have any doubt. Tonight My stepdaughter has a friend over and upon going to sleep they insisted on sleeping in this really tiny stupid cardboard house that you buy and put together at hobby lobby. So we throw it in the room with them. I go to the bathroom to shave my head and hear them being a little to loud, to keep them from waking the little one I open the door and tell them to be quieter. Upon doing this I see that they have moved the small cardboard house on top of the bed and they are both in it fighting over non existent space and about to topple it into the floor with the lot of them!
      I just smile and giggle a little on the inside then I think to myself, The chicken had to of came before the egg and this is proof. I have always looked at the "which came first" question as a metaphor for is there a God. So here is the short as possible rundown. If the egg came first or if we just evolved as babies or something, because there is no way we would evolve as an adult. Then we would certainly die before maturity. Seriously children do retarded things!!! Don't think so? Watch a 3 year old for like 10 minutes and you will get it! It isn't because they are destined to be dumb forever its just they have yet to learn the things in life that tell us not to do some of that crap. We know not to touch a red burning stove its how, a child however may not know that until they burn them self. Luckily we are here to kiss the boo boo and bandage it and take them to the ER when they do this stupid stuff.
     Dare I even need to go into how would we not have been eating by predators for being loud crying in the middle of the night etc. If we were lucky enough to live through that surely we would die by trying to pet the nice kitty (Lion) when we were like 3.  Driving down the road today I saw some kid in Science Hill sitting on a large motorcycle, he was probably 5 and he was rocking it back and forth side to side. I said to my wife, if he is lucky enough to live after that falls with him on it he will probably have  lifelong limp. Just another example is all I am saying.

Thursday, April 12, 2012

Hall Of fame or bust, Axel Chose bust!

In a move that some people would find as the most anti-establishment declaration ever made Axel Rose sent a letter to the hall declining their invitation to be inducted, and in fact asked that they NOT induct him. Sorry, for those of you who were wishing for a reunion of any sorts it just doesn't look like its going to happen. For me that is A-OK, and here is why. First of all before I start let me just say that Axel is not the first to do this, in fact the Sex Pistols have declined in the past and I would expect that from an anti-establishment punk band. Axel?
      He doesn't seem to be anything but a female donkey. Don't get me wrong I love the music the original group created and let me be clear THE ORIGINAL GROUP. The stuff Axel is doing now stinks of rotten potatoes, and he seems to have lost the ability to sing which is probably the main reason I have no desire for them to reunite. Of course another reason I have no desire is that if they were to do so everyone in their brother would feel the need to buy an overpriced ticket, and when they couldn't get it from Ticketmaster they would seek stub hub or something and pay 22 times over the face price. Then on concert day if you were lucky enough for Axel to grace the stage he might sing 2 songs yell an exploitative and leave... It's inevitable someones face would probably get burned half off and there would be riots.
      At my ripe old age of almost 30 I just don't think I could go through all of that and make no mistake despite my disdain for that possible scenario I would likely be in the mix with a large group of friends unable to keep myself away. The hall has elected to go ahead and induct him with the rest of the band anyway regardless of his request, though he will not be in attendance, or at least so he says. It wouldn't suprise me however if he showed up anyway and created some sort of scene, that's just Axel Rose for you. Why does everyone love to hate the biggest Donkey in Rock & Roll?

Thursday, April 5, 2012

The Day of The Greeter is Gone!

     Well tonight I went to Wal-mart with something to return. I had no receipt which is typical of me as I never can keep up with them. I think the main reason is when I buy something I usually don't purchase it with the intention of just bringing it back. This particular purchase however was coming back as the wife decided she did not want it. In we walk and begin the wait. After about 10 minutes of waiting and talking to a couple of the probably 15 people we saw that we knew I decided I was tired of waiting on the greeter to tag my item and I left it with the wife and entered requesting that a cashier watch us walk on in with the product so as to not be accused of thieving it. Only I was surprised when the cashier told me to come on in that they didn't do that anymore. The day of the greeter is over at wal-mart. At least our Wal-Mart it is. 
     I find it interesting that I miss this... Here is why, all of my life I have actually been annoyed by the presence of the Wal-Mart greeter, they hassled you coming in and going out it seemed. Now that they are gone however, it feels like there is some hole that now needs to be filled? Who will pester me on the way in now? Aside from that though is this really the right decision for Wal-Mart? Is the economy so bad that they cannot afford to pay an old person to stand there and make sure no one is stealing, because lets face it that was their real job anyway. There is no one to hit the panic button anymore! It would appear a lot easier for people to steal or falsely return items to the store. What are your thought?

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

The Moral Compass

I am posting today about our Moral compass. I had a phone conversation with a good friend a few minutes ago and this became a topic of our discussion. I mist say it was an interesting one at that. I do not think it matters in this discussion whether you are Republican or Democrat, Christian or not. I think we can all agree that we are not headed in the right direction morally. I will use an example and in no way am I necessarily demeaning this act I just use it to show the difference in where we are today compared to not too many years ago. Does anyone remember the MTV awards show many years ago when Madonna kissed Brittney Spears? If you do remember that do you also remember how big of a deal that was that 2 girls kissing was aired? Funny isn't it? Now that is on the air probably once or more an hour. Look I'm not saying that to start some debate about gay rights etc. I just bring it up to show the difference in how much more accepting we are today of everything as apposed to how we once were. I'd like to go on record here saying that while I don't agree with where we are headed I don't want 1950's era morality either. I am typically as open minded as the next guy. I think maybe when I was about 10 the world was in a pretty good place morally, at least compared to now. So let's all jump in a time machine and go back there, who's with me?

Monday, March 26, 2012

If this Penny could talk...

I am in one of those odd moods tonight I have found myself restless and bored with not much to do. Well there is plenty to do but I have not felt like doing it. I supose I will get a few things done so the day is not a total waste of time. You all know me though when my brain is free I begin to allow it to wonder and today it has gone into nastalga land. I found myself thinking about my coin collection and some coin money that I have from the 1860's and even some stuff older than that back in the 1700's when our country was so young. This really got me to thinking my how a penny can travel, or anything for that matter. Its the kind of "If these walls could talk" mentality tonight. A single penny from 1863 that went from pocket to pocket during the civil war! Is that not amazing to think about? How many times was it involved in the buying and selling of slaves if at all? Things like that kind of give you chills! If you could only know the things that these items have witnessed. Now it sits lonely with a bunch of other stories locked up in a safety deposit box never to be able to speak of the events it has witnessed and really unable to witness anymore. Just food for thought about the items we own is all.

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Deafness or Blindness?

The above picture is of me and 2 of my best friend's taken a couple of years ago. I thought it fit somewhat well with the below post.

     Today I was at the foot Dr. sitting in the waiting room for an hour while my wife got an MRI. She has a cyst on her foot and refuses to let me smash it with a Bible. I have no clue why she won't let me do it. Anyway there was a deaf guy in the lobby and he and probably his grandson were hand talking with one another. Well you all know me with so much time on my hands and nothing to do but let my mind go crazy in thought, we wind up with another random crazy blog post right?
     So anyway I got to thinking what if you were in a room full of deaf people what would it sound like? I bet it would sound like applause with all the hand flapping going on. Imagine being in the cafeteria of a deaf school. WOW I bet you think you were at a concert or something in between songs! That also got me to thinking if you had to choose deafness or blindness which would you be? I think I would choose Deafness because I think they can fix it easier. They have those bone conducting things now so they can actually hear a little when needed. BTW this blog was not meant to offend anyone so please take no offense. It was just my random thoughts and trying to add a bit of humor to an otherwise horrible situation.

Saturday, March 10, 2012

Spay and Neuter!

OK, so lets be honest I am really writing this blog post mainly to show this funny picture of Bob Barker! Remember folks always spay and neuter your pets. Seriously though we should all do it especially if you don't own a pure breed animal or if you even if you do you should do it if you never intend to breed. There are so many animals that have to be killed in shelters all of the time because the population is out of control. I like the fact that to get an animal at the shelter it must be fixed before you can adopt it. When you are ready for your next pet get a shelter animal you can find some awesome pets there and if you just watch it for a few weeks odds are even a pure breed you like will come along.