I am in one of those odd moods tonight I have found myself restless and bored with not much to do. Well there is plenty to do but I have not felt like doing it. I supose I will get a few things done so the day is not a total waste of time. You all know me though when my brain is free I begin to allow it to wonder and today it has gone into nastalga land. I found myself thinking about my coin collection and some coin money that I have from the 1860's and even some stuff older than that back in the 1700's when our country was so young. This really got me to thinking my how a penny can travel, or anything for that matter. Its the kind of "If these walls could talk" mentality tonight. A single penny from 1863 that went from pocket to pocket during the civil war! Is that not amazing to think about? How many times was it involved in the buying and selling of slaves if at all? Things like that kind of give you chills! If you could only know the things that these items have witnessed. Now it sits lonely with a bunch of other stories locked up in a safety deposit box never to be able to speak of the events it has witnessed and really unable to witness anymore. Just food for thought about the items we own is all.
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