Well tonight I went to Wal-mart with something to return. I had no receipt which is typical of me as I never can keep up with them. I think the main reason is when I buy something I usually don't purchase it with the intention of just bringing it back. This particular purchase however was coming back as the wife decided she did not want it. In we walk and begin the wait. After about 10 minutes of waiting and talking to a couple of the probably 15 people we saw that we knew I decided I was tired of waiting on the greeter to tag my item and I left it with the wife and entered requesting that a cashier watch us walk on in with the product so as to not be accused of thieving it. Only I was surprised when the cashier told me to come on in that they didn't do that anymore. The day of the greeter is over at wal-mart. At least our Wal-Mart it is.
I find it interesting that I miss this... Here is why, all of my life I have actually been annoyed by the presence of the Wal-Mart greeter, they hassled you coming in and going out it seemed. Now that they are gone however, it feels like there is some hole that now needs to be filled? Who will pester me on the way in now? Aside from that though is this really the right decision for Wal-Mart? Is the economy so bad that they cannot afford to pay an old person to stand there and make sure no one is stealing, because lets face it that was their real job anyway. There is no one to hit the panic button anymore! It would appear a lot easier for people to steal or falsely return items to the store. What are your thought?
It is a waste of money. They don't really add any value to the the store. They slow things up at the door and then I still have to go stand in line at the 'Customer Service Desk' ...